Fight, fight, fight

Those are the words that kids typically use to signify a fight at school, whether it’s in the hallway or wherever.

Until this week, I never had to break up a fight before.  And I thought that if I ever had to, it would be in high school.  Maybe middle school.

Well, I thought wrong!  It was elementary!  This kid was having some issues that day but then deciding to take it out on others, with very little provocation.  Even though he was smaller than I, it was still scary.  I have no idea what I would have done had he been bigger.

There’s nothing like hitting the call button on the wall to call the office to have them come and get someone.  I could not get the child to let go of the person he went after and it wasn’t until I had one of the other kids call the office that the child stopped what he was doing.

At least he respected that part of the process so there’s that.  Let’s see what next week brings.  On the bright side, spring break is coming up soon and I’m looking forward to some quality time with my kids  🙂

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